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Ley Allotments at Baxenden near Accrington   

Letter dated 6th June 1998

FROM : Save Our Allotments Committee, Baxenden, Accrington

TO : Mr N.Rix, Directorate Development Services, Hyndburn Borough Council, Eagle St, Accrington, BB5 1LN.

Dear Sirs,

Re: Area of Special Restraint - Ley Allotments, Hill St, Baxenden

You may recall that in November 1996 you and Mr Paul Barwood attended a meeting at Hollins School, with the members of a committee set up by the residents of Baxenden, to discuss the Council's proposals regarding the use of the above land for the building of houses.

The residents and allotment holders are incensed that the Council could even consider taking away an amenity which has been in use for over 100 years, and which gives pleasure to all areas of the local community.

At the time both you and Mr Barwood were sympathetic to our cause and you both promised that, although there was nothing you could do at the current stage, you would ensure that every consideration and help would be given at a later stage when there were further developments in the proposal.

You may also recall that the wishes of the community are that this area of land should be returned to Green Belt Status.

I am writing to you now because at a meeting of the Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs Committee on 25th March 1998, Angela Eagle, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for the Environment said:

[Extract from the Minutes of Evidence]

"… we are going to ensure in future…that local authorities have actively promoted their allotments … "

211. " I have a small statement which I thought may put the Governments policy in a positive light ….. just to say that the Government recognises the importance of allotment gardening for a variety of reasons. It can be an important recreational activity and allotments can play a positive role as a focus for local communities "

213. " I could certainly mention pigeon keeping, and rabbits, horses, pigs, dogs, turkeys, a whole range of activities which take place on allotments…"

… particularly in terms of a healthier way of living, exercise, encouraging schoolchildren to attend allotments to see how allotments are worked…"


From the minutes of this meeting, it is obvious how much importance the Government places on the provision and maintenance of allotments.

In view of the stance which the Government is adopting can you now assure us that due consideration will be given to the residents and allotment holders of Baxenden and that this land will be returned to Green Belt Status.

Yours faithfully,


John Griffiths

Baxend1.jpg (5067 bytes)

Save Our Allotments Committee, Baxenden, Accrington


Letter to Hyndburn Council 23rd June 1998

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