Cambridge Allotments Network

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Allotments directly managed by Cambridge City Council : Lee Fish

Lee2.jpg (24187 bytes) Lee Fish is the man to contact at Cambridge City Council's Leisure Services Department about allotments.

Lee directly manages these allotment sites in the city :

WB00860_.GIF (262 bytes) Auckland Road
WB00860_.GIF (262 bytes) Bateson Road
WB00860_.GIF (262 bytes) Elmfield Close
WB00860_.GIF (262 bytes) Empty Common
WB00860_.GIF (262 bytes) Fanshawe Road
WB00860_.GIF (262 bytes) Hawthorn Road
WB00860_.GIF (262 bytes) Kendal Way
WB00860_.GIF (262 bytes) Maple Close
WB00860_.GIF (262 bytes) New Street

Lee administers the City Council's budget for allotment maintenance (which covers work on all sites in the city including those listed above), but he also has many additional responsibilities involved with the maintenance of other Leisure Services property.

Allotment gardeners across the city have nothing but praise for the way that Lee has helped them over the years, organising fencing repairs, ploughing overgrown plots, building maintenance and general advice.

You can contact Lee Fish at the Guildhall, phone 01223 457542, or by e-mail

Latest update 11/10/02