Cambridge Allotments Network

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Cambourne Allotments

Please visit Cambourne Allotment Association at

Back in 2001 the following design briefing was suggested:

WB00860_.GIF (262 bytes) 2 Hectares (5 acres)
WB00860_.GIF (262 bytes) GOOD soil and drainage.
WB00860_.GIF (262 bytes) Vehicular access to all plots with hard surfaces unless serving 5 or less sites.
WB00860_.GIF (262 bytes) Car parking with a ratio of 1/5 of sites.
WB00860_.GIF (262 bytes) Fencing and screening with lockable gates
WB00860_.GIF (262 bytes) Plots separated by 600 mm wide paths
WB00860_.GIF (262 bytes) Communal Building with storage, a kitchen and toilet.
WB00860_.GIF (262 bytes) Shop area.
WB00860_.GIF (262 bytes) Water standpipe close to each plot.
WB00860_.GIF (262 bytes) Secure shed/store to each plot.

Latest update 21/09/06