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Histon village allotments

Histon21.jpg (60296 bytes) Sweetcorn growing at Gatehouse Road.

Wayne Millard uses a bed system, adding manure and organic matter to build up fertility. This year is his first full season.

The plot is enclosed by chicken wire to keep out the rabbits.

WB00860_.GIF (262 bytes) Gatehouse Road Allotments are managed by Histon parish council, situated on the outskirts of Histon, on the Girton - Oakington road. There 22 plots, 45% occupied (unoccupied plots are ploughed at least once a year). No water supply but very reasonable rent (£6 per plot a year) compensates for this. Gatehouse Road allotments plotholders e-mail contact :

WB00860_.GIF (262 bytes) Meadow Road Allotments are rumoured to be well used, situated on the old Cottenham road, the site is also managed by the parish council.

WB00860_.GIF (262 bytes) Contact for both sites : Angela Young (clerk to Histon parish council) phone 01223 235906, e-mail:

Relevant pages :
WB00860_.GIF (262 bytes) Patricia picking mange tout peas
WB00860_.GIF (262 bytes) Planting pumpkins
WB00860_.GIF (262 bytes) Emily watering her pumpkin plant
WB00860_.GIF (262 bytes) Gatehouse Road allotments

Latest update 03/01/01