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Vinery Road Permanent Allotment Society home page

Burnside Residents Association
Tony&Caspo.jpg (62348 bytes) Aware of the importance of Burnside Allotments to their neighbourhood and for the local enviroment, local residents have  joined the allotment society and  taken on several plots.

Caspo, a rescued dog, is seen basking in the evening sun in Spring 1998. Tony, a Burnside resident and plot holder,  regularly takes Caspo on patrol through the site and along local paths.

Behind them are rows and rows of healthy potato plants,   and there's a barrow load of manure to enrich the soil.

Burnside Residents Association is an active group open to everyone living on the road leading up to the allotment main entrance. The allotment society values its close and mutually beneficial relationship with local residents.

Latest update 03/01/01