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Comberton Allotments

Picking runner at Comberton Allotments This is a private site run through the Shepherd’s Friendly Society. Local office address : 44 market Street Ely, CB7 4LS.
Tel: 01353 662652

Update October 2009:
The allotments are all taken and are £20/£40 respectively for a half and full size.

The following comments were supplied by allotment gardeners on this site in 2001.

"There are about 60 plots, of which two thirds are nominally taken, but the site is very overgrown, and some of the plots marked as taken 2 years ago are definitely not worked."

"There is plenty of scope for new plot holders as long as they’re prepared to do quite a bit of clearance. The site is always open, but there is little problem with vandals / kids etc. There doesn’t appear to be a committee of any sort. The rules on what you can grow are as far as I can tell : no apple / pear trees etc, but soft fruit is fine. The back of the site is 8 plots down to livestock, so I think livestock keeping is also allowed."

"It is a nice site.....   one member has a large group of plots together in one corner, where he has kept livestock of various sorts, and allows the manure mountain to be mined for free! At the moment his paddock is empty, so I don’t know if he’s given up on that, though. There are plenty of vacancies, including two on one side of us which would be nice to get occupants for. The problem is that there is relatively speaking a low population around the site. Several of the members are very keen, and have lots of plots each, most of these folk have a quite professional approach to their allotment, with a high proportion of rotovators but not many organic people! Plenty of wildlife on the site, though."

Rent becomes due each October.

Latest update 20/10/09