Cambridge Allotments Network

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Histon village allotments

Histon11.jpg (58332 bytes) Looking across the Gatehouse Road site in May 1999.

WB00860_.GIF (262 bytes) Gatehouse Road Allotments are managed by Histon parish council, situated on the outskirts of Histon, on the Girton - Oakington road. There are 22 plots, 45% occupied (unoccupied plots are ploughed at least once a year). No water supply but very reasonable rent (£6 per plot a year) compensates for this. Gatehouse Road allotments plotholders e-mail contact : To get a plot contact 01223 235906

WB00860_.GIF (262 bytes) Poorsland Allotments are well used (there is a waiting list), situated on the old Cottenham Road, the site is administed by the Trustees of a Charity, being representatives from the Parish Council and St Andrew's Church, Histon. Contact: 01223 232241

Relevant pages :
WB00860_.GIF (262 bytes) Patricia picking mange tout peas
WB00860_.GIF (262 bytes) Planting pumpkins
WB00860_.GIF (262 bytes) Sweet corn
WB00860_.GIF (262 bytes) Emily watering her pumpkin plant

There are also a number of allotments in Impington (note that many don't differentiate between Histon and Impington, but we do!)
To the best of our knowledge there is no allotment society in Histon, though there are two Gardening Clubs
in the Histon / Impington area.

Latest update 19/09/08