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Vinery Road Permanent Allotment Society home page

Burnside Allotments
Grow your own!!  Photo shows Burnside Allotment produce October 1997

WB00860_.GIF (262 bytes) There are several plots available at Burnside Allotments for immediate use.

WB00860_.GIF (262 bytes) Burnside Allotments are enclosed between water-filled chalk pits and Cherry Hinton Brook to the north, school playing fields to the east, and houses to the south and west. There is a fenced-off childrens play area in the centre. Plots at the north and south ends are relatively well tended, but near the play area there is more vacant land. There are many habitats for wildlife, including birds, rabbits, frogs and wild plants. 

WB00860_.GIF (262 bytes) If you are interested in the challenge of taking on one of our plots, the best times to visit the site are Saturdays and Sundays between 10am and 11am. At that time the store at the Burnside entrance is usually open. The store sells large bags of potting compost, organic and inorganic fertiliser, bamboo canes and a few other garden materials. In autumn, seed orders are taken, and considerable cost savings are made by ordering together with other allotment societies.

WB00860_.GIF (262 bytes) We are gardeners from many different ethnic backgrounds, including Bulgaria, Italy, North Africa,  Portugal, Romania, Spain and the UK. As a result, we use several different methods of cultivation and grow some interesting varieties of vegetables.

greatbrf2.gif (9780 bytes)italyf2.gif (5305 bytes)greatbrf2.gif (9780 bytes)portugaC.gif (8270 bytes)greatbrf2.gif (9780 bytes)spainC.gif (7810 bytes)greatbrf2.gif (9780 bytes)

WB00860_.GIF (262 bytes) Directions : Proceed away from the city centre all the way along Mill Road, continue straight ahead at the mini-roundabout into Burnside. How to find Burnside Allotments.

Relevant pages : AGM Report Horticultural suppliers Woodchip recycling project
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 Latest update 03/01/01