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Vinery Road Permanent Allotment Society home page

Burnside : Playground interference
DamagedDaffodils.jpg (44103 bytes) Youths were seen congregating in the play area on 26th March 1999 at dusk next to this plot.  The following morning, these daffodils had been trampled by intruders. An old galvanised container which had been placed over rhubarb to force the stems to grow taller for an early crop, was now located on the other side of the fence.

PlayArea.jpg (26820 bytes)
Allotment gardeners have suffered regular damage to their plots caused by interference by intruders from the play area. As a result, it has been difficult to let plots between the play area and the school playing field, and the allotment society has therefore set aside this area for woodchip recycling. The last plotholder to cultivate this area suffered continual damage and moved to a different allotment site.

Latest update 03/01/01