Cambridge Allotments Network

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Allotments and Local Agenda 21

At the Rio Earth Summit in 1992, the world's leaders drew up a plan to protect the global environment into the 21st century. They called the plan Agenda 21.

Cambridge Sustainable City

Cambridge Local Agenda 21 Strategy, which is also known as Cambridge Sustainable City has five main objectives, all of which are fulfilled by allotments:

bulletIncreasing social equity : a fairer society
bulletParticipation : a chance for everyone to have their say
bulletImproving our living space
bulletMaintaining our surroundings and health
bulletConserving natural resources

Contacts at Cambridge City Council :
Sue Woodsford, Enviromental Education & Publicity Officer, tel 01223 457046, e-mail
Graham Magee Local Agenda 21 Coordinator .

Cambridge Sustainable City Newsletter is published regularly.

Latest update 03/03/00