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It is proposed that a new role should be created to continue the work initiated by Cambridge Allotments 2000 and help to further improve the City's allotments....




Sue Woodsford, Lee Fish, John Roebuck, Dave Fox.

1. Discussion took place about the role and scope of the post and it was agreed that the post, although part of the City Council’s establishment, should be seen as arms length and independent, similar to the position of City Centre Manager.

The purpose of the post would be to support and work with the Allotment Societies rather than initiate work programmes itself.

2. Draft Terms of Reference

2.1 All these Terms of Reference are seen as issues over which the post holder would support and work with the Allotment Societies and Central Council to initiate and implement themselves.

2.2 Marketing and Promotion of Allotments in the City

bulletIdentify areas with vacancies and assist with targeted marketing.
bulletAssist with the management of the Farm Market.
bulletDevelop competitions and other promotional activities.
bulletNewsletter/website – assist with collecting and editing material.

2.3 Assist in the preparation of management plan and development plans for each society which may be used in support of bids for funding.

2.4 Identify sources of external funding.

2.5 Environment Issues

bulletAssist in implementing the Allotment Habitat Plan, Local Agenda 21 and other relevant strategies.
bulletAssist in the development of recycling, waste management and composting schemes.

2.6 Development and Education

bulletDevelop relationship with schools.
bulletPromote displays and other promotional material at appropriate venues.
bulletDevelop an educational programme for allotment holders, including organic gardening.
bulletWork with local community and support groups.
bulletWork with the primary care groups.

2.7 Security

bulletLiaise with Neighbourhood Watch/local residents associations.

3. Funding

3.1 Having identified the role of the post it was clear that in order for it to be effective over a two year period a full time person was necessary. It was, therefore, agreed that, subject to job evaluation, the post would have a salary of £20,000 per annum based on a two year contract with a further £5,000 for on costs, IT, stationery, etc.

3.2 The following sources of funding were identified:

bulletCambridge City Council Priority Development Fund (JR has subsequently made a bid for £20,000 over two years).
bulletWREN – JR has arranged to meet with the Council’s WREN co-ordinator to discuss the way forward.
bulletSustainable City (Sue has already received a principle bid of £2,000).
bullet"Shell Better Britain" – JR to pursue (telephone 0121 2485900. e.mail
bulletNational Lottery – JR to discuss with Tim Wall.
bulletAnglian Water – JR to discuss with Tim Wall.
bulletCentral Council of Allotment Societies – Dave Fox to pursue contribution.

   Latest update 20/07/01