Cambridge Allotments Network

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Cambridge Allotments 2000 - Conditions

Conditions of the Sustainable City Programme

You will need to acknowledge the City Council’s funding on any publicity and reports, using the words "Grant aided by" above the Sustainable City Logo. We can provide a disk with the logo on request.

If you provide facilities or concessions for disabled people then these must be clearly shown on all publicity material.

You must not use any Council grant to fund publicity which appears to be designed to affect public support for a political party, as this is prohibited by the Local Government Act 1988.

You must not fly-post any publicity material or allow promoters using your venue to fly post in the City.

Grants should be used solely for the agreed project and not added partially or wholly to reserves.

Grants should be spent within this financial year where ever possible. If this is not possible grants may be rolled into the next financial year subject to written information being provided by you as to why this is necessary, and this then being accepted by the City Council.

The Council reserves the right to reclaim any unspent money or equipment purchased using the grant in the event of any of the following:

your organisation(s) or the project folding up;

the grant not being used for the purpose agreed by Committee;

explicit conditions not being met;

the grant money being unspent for any other reason.

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Latest update 11/04/00