Clay Farm allotments starting mid-March

Photo taken February 2021 showing plots marked out in sections labelled A B & C on recently rotovated land at the new Clay Farm allotment site.

From Cllr. Thornburrow…

I’m very pleased that the City Council is close to being able to allocate the leases to those on the waiting list for the Clay Farm allotments.  

It has been a very long time coming due to what has turned out to be complex legal issues. I expect that by mid-March letters will be sent out and those taking a space will be able to start growing in the spring.

Kind regards


Katie Thornburrow
方 思 琦
City Councillor for Trumpington
Executive Councillor, Planning and Open Spaces

4 thoughts on “Clay Farm allotments starting mid-March”

  1. Hi
    Can you confirm I’m on waiting list for an allotment pls. I thought I registered approximately a year ago,but this is the only communication I’ve received since.

    Lloyd Jakes
    *** Ross Street

    1. hi Lloyd
      The only waiting list I have access to is the one for the Foster Road site in Trumpington, and you are not on that.
      If you applied for one of the council-run sites you’will need to ask them.
      Otherwise ask the manager of the site you applied to. If you cannot find the contact info from here then please get back to me and I will try to find it.
      Good luck with getting a plot.

  2. Good afternoon ,
    Could someone give me information on how to
    Apply for an allotment at the new clay farm site?
    Regards Luigi N

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